Privacy Policy

1. General Provisions

This Personal Data Processing Policy is created in compliance with the Law on Personal Data and outlines how personal data is processed and secured by the website (hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”).

1.1 Objective

The primary aim and condition of the Operator’s activities is to uphold human and civil rights and freedoms during personal data processing, particularly concerning the protection of privacy and personal and family secrets.

1.2 Policy Scope

This Personal Data Processing Policy (the “Policy”) applies to all information the Operator may obtain about visitors to

2. Key Terms Used in the Policy

2.1 Automated Processing

Automated processing of personal data refers to processing data using computer technology.

2.2 Blocking

Blocking of personal data involves a temporary halt in processing personal data, except when necessary to clarify the data.

2.3 Website

A Website is a combination of graphic and informational materials, computer programs, and databases made accessible on the Internet at the network address

2.4 Personal Data Information System

A Personal Data Information System is a collection of personal data contained in databases, supported by information technologies and technical means to ensure data processing.

2.5 Impersonalization

Impersonalization of personal data refers to actions that make it impossible to determine, without additional information, the connection of personal data to a specific User or other subject of personal data.

2.6 Processing

Processing of personal data encompasses any action or set of actions performed on personal data, with or without automation, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), anonymization, blocking, deletion, and destruction of personal data.

2.7 Operator

The Operator is a state body, municipal authority, legal entity, or individual who, independently or in collaboration with others, arranges or performs the processing of personal data. They determine the purpose of data processing, the scope of personal data, and the actions performed on the data.

2.8 Personal Data

Personal data refers to any information directly or indirectly related to an identified or identifiable User of the website

2.9 User

A User is any visitor to the website.

2.10 Provision of Personal Data

Provision of personal data involves actions aimed at disclosing personal data to a particular person or group of people.

2.11 Dissemination

Dissemination of personal data refers to any action aimed at disclosing personal data to an indefinite number of people or making personal data available to the public, including media publications, internet postings, or providing access to personal data in any other way.

2.12 Cross-border Transfer

Cross-border transfer of personal data involves transferring data to a foreign country, a foreign state authority, or a foreign individual or legal entity.

2.13 Destruction

Destruction of personal data entails any action that irreversibly destroys personal data, rendering it impossible to recover within the personal data information system or physical data storage media.

3. Personal Data Processed by the Operator

The Operator may process the following personal data from Users:

3.1 Personal Information

3.2 Anonymized Data

The Website also collects and processes anonymized visitor data (including cookies) using internet statistics services such as Google Analytics.

3.3 Combined Data

The above-mentioned data is referred to collectively in this Policy as Personal Data.

4. Purposes of Personal Data Processing

4.1 Contractual Obligations

The primary purpose of processing User’s personal data is to facilitate the creation, execution, and termination of civil contracts, provide the User with access to services, information, and/or materials on the website, and clarify order details.

4.2 Notifications

The Operator may also send Users notifications about new products, services, special offers, and events. Users may opt-out of receiving such communications by sending an email to the Operator with the subject ‘Unsubscribe from notifications about new products, services, and special offers’.

4.3 Website Improvement

Anonymized User data collected via web statistics services is used to gather information about User activities on the website and to enhance the quality of the website and its content.

The Operator processes User’s personal data only when Users fill out and/or submit their data via special forms on the website By completing these forms and/or providing personal data to the Operator, Users express their consent to this Policy.

5.2 Anonymized Data Processing

The Operator processes anonymized data of Users if the User’s browser settings permit (e.g., cookie storage and JavaScript are enabled).

6. Procedures for Collecting, Storing, Transferring, and Other Processing of Personal Data

The Operator ensures the safety of personal data through legal, organizational, and technical measures necessary to fully comply with current personal data protection legislation.

6.1 Security Measures

The Operator guarantees the safety of personal data and takes all feasible measures to prevent unauthorized access to personal data.

6.2 Third-party Disclosure

User’s personal data will never be transferred to third parties, except as required by applicable laws.

6.3 Data Accuracy

If inaccuracies are found in personal data, Users can update their information by sending a notification to the Operator’s email address with the subject “Update of personal data”.

The processing of personal data is indefinite. Users may withdraw their consent to data processing at any time by sending a notification to the Operator’s email address with the subject “Withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data”.

7. Cross-border Transfer of Personal Data

7.1 Adequate Protection

Before executing a cross-border transfer of personal data, the data controller must ensure that the foreign country to which the personal data is being transferred provides adequate protection for the data subject’s rights.

7.2 Exceptions

Cross-border transfer of personal data to countries that do not meet these protection requirements may only occur if the data subject provides written consent or enters into an agreement involving the data subject.

8. Final Provisions

8.1 Clarifications

Users can obtain clarifications on any questions regarding the processing of their personal data by contacting the Operator via email.

8.2 Policy Updates

This document will reflect any changes to the Operator’s personal data processing policy. The Policy remains valid indefinitely until replaced by a new version.

8.3 Accessibility

The current version of the Policy is available online at

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